
honeycomb pastries

Honeycomb Pastries معجنات خلية النحل

Amazing cloud like pastries filled with cream cheese and drizzled with honey .. a guaranteed show stopper on your table!

Honeycomb Pastries معجنات خلية النحل

Amazing cloud like pastries filled with cream cheese and drizzled with honey .. a guaranteed show stopper on your table!

Zaatar and Cheese Crown Bread خبز الزعتر والجبنة

Zaatar and Cheese Crown Bread خبز الزعتر والجبنة

Super soft bread intertwined in a super moist zaatar, cheese and olive filling. A guaranteed showstopper.

Zaatar and Cheese Crown Bread خبز الزعتر والجبنة

Super soft bread intertwined in a super moist zaatar, cheese and olive filling. A guaranteed showstopper.

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